Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Was 86 Years Old When My Heart Stopped Beating

Four years ago the Tiburon, CA rescue squad responded to a 911 call and found me lying unconscious on the ground as the result of a near-fatal heart attack. Today, at ninety, I’m actively enjoying life, painting pictures, writing my second book, and traveling to visit family and friends.

I'm now able to achieve all this with my blood pressure under control and, aside from legs that are not as strong and steady as they used to be, no major physical complaints. I attribute my present state of good health to the fact that, along with a minimal use of prescription drugs, my food and supplement diet follows closely much of the advice and many of the recommendations in The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report.

I’m Bill Lewis, a professional landscape, genre and portrait painter. For years, doctors had told me my blood pressure was way too high. Eventually, I suffered a stroke, after that the major heart attack described above, followed by open-heart surgery, the implant of a pig valve, a Pacemaker, and the daily ingestion of blood pressure and blood thinning drugs prescribed by my cardiologist.

The time spent in the hospital, and later in the convalescent facility, was so depressing and debilitating that I made up my mind to do what I could to lower my blood pressure. I have since adopted a more healthful diet and made generous use of some of the natural remedies for reducing hypertension recommended in The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report.

My altered lifestyle has been incredibly rewarding. Now, with my doctor’s approval, I’ve cut back on prescription drugs, yet my latest blood pressure reading was down to 126/78. On top of that, there have been beneficial side effects, for both my cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which had been so high that my primary care physician had recommended a drug for each, are both now down well into the "good" range.

All three of these improvements, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and lower blood sugar are the direct result of me following the dietary and supplemental remedy recommendations that you will read about when you receive your own copy of The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report.

I think you will be especially pleased to learn, as I was, that the nature and causes of high blood pressure are thoroughly explained in easy-to-understand language. Importantly, you will learn that this can be a very dangerous health threat if nothing is done to correct your hypertension.

You will find that this comprehensive and well-written report supplies a wealth of curative information, ranging from the description of traditional prescription drug methods of treating high blood pressure, to the numerous natural remedies available for our use, some of which have been proven to be just as effective as prescription drugs in lowering high blood pressure, but without any potentially dangerous side effects.

Because The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report gives you all the information you need to successfully lower your blood pressure naturally, safely and without drugs, it’s a must if you suffer from hypertension.

Look at all you get when you receive your Report:

  • Chapter one starts with the definition of high blood pressure, how it’s measured, explains the terms systolic, diastolic, what’s normal, pre-hypertension, stage one hypertension, stage two hypertension, and the risk factors in not treating high blood pressure.
  • Chapter two describes the various traditional methods of treating hypertension through medication and lifestyle changes.
  • Chapter three informs you of all the steps that can be taken to lower your blood pressure safely and naturally.
  • Chapter four tells of the preventive measures that should be taken to prevent hypertension.
  • Chapter five is a summary in outline form that serves as a daily check list.
  • Chapter six lists an array of sources with their contact information that’s a gold mine of additional information.
But, in addition to all this, you get hundreds of pages of free bonuses if you order now!

  • Bonus # 1. Lessons From The Miracle Doctors: 167 pages telling of doctors achieving cures using only alternative methods.
  • Bonus # 2. Cholesterol Secrets: 60 pages that tell you how to lower your cholesterol by natural means.
  • Bonus # 3. Thirty-five pages, The Ten Deadly Health Myths of the 21st Century.
  • Bonus #4. The DASH Eating Plan To Lower Your Blood Pressure, 60 pages of healthful recipes designed to eliminate hypertension.
You owe it to yourself and your loved ones
to find out how this book can help you live
a longer, healthier life.
I am happy I did!

Click here to learn more

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bill,

    I appreciate your review about High Blood Pressure Remedy Report. However, I also have my own review in which I think that it is not worth the buy. The information in the report is already available online for free, including the bonuses. But of course this would be different if you are not willing to invest in some time to browse on the Internet. You can read my review here: High Blood Pressure Remedy Report
